Its the return of the SG guy so a dudes-gather-up on weekend was carried,thats very funny yet annoying at the time when we are going to choose a movie to end the day, as usual, I make decision, I wanted to watch HOME so much after seen that epic part of the trailer "I put my hand in the air, just like i do not care~"
the dudes' faces are like: get someone out to say NO!
Well, that's their day! No midnight session for HOME!
Either you know one, you have on, or you are the one |
In the frienship threesome, Bianca is playing as the ugly duckling, the most ignored member. Her hot neighbour the football captain - Wes has cruely pointed her position as a duff in her gang and made her realised that she really needs to fix her personal failings. That's very amusing when it comes to how Wes give tutorials to Bianca of getting number from guys and dating with her crush. This realistic comedy show presents the hierachy of teens' society & also indicated how teens interact with each other nowsaday. A very true fact is they unfriend or unfollowed each other in social media as a contract to terminate the friendship. This is not healthy weihhh~ but sooo true Anyway, Bianca eventually accepted who she is and stole Wes's heart. Wes is so damn hot!
So yeah, inner beauty is mattered. However, in the realistic world outthere, most humans have no time for your wonderful inner part if you are not okay physically. Ouch! Just so trueeee
I still remember how i ended my english presentation that titled of "Appearance", first impression do counts! You know right..