Tuesday, 23 December 2014


来到2014 的尾声,不禁会问自己这一年都干了什么,到底过得好吗?习惯性地爱和自己对话 xD 在年头的时候,好多关于生肖运程的节目或文章都说我的生肖在今年是难得一见的好年。也许有太多这样的说法了,我也一直潜意识的认同这件事,也让这个潜意识成为做许多事情背后的勇气。回顾这一年,它的确美好,也充实。我想,在这一年里我最大的收获就是学会 发现生活中的美好,开心是可以很简单的。其实每当回顾当时的美好,你会发现 它当时发生在多么不经意的时候,它不需要轰轰烈烈,它也许就是那么不经意得随时会忘记的小事。

如何很简单也能开心呢?那就必须借用一下 周结伦 的歌词一用了 珍惜一切,就算你没有拥有。 在听这首歌的时候,就特觉得这一句歌词特别有意思,但是当时的我是不明白的。在这一年里,我好像老了许多,只是刚开窍,同时也学会 感激生活的每一个瞬间。


第二天就是交功课的期限了,向朋友求救时 她从朋友处直接帮我弄到了一份答案。免费的午餐可是特别好吃的!

每一次考试前 闺密的 Good Luck! 







我顺利地毕业了 ,很快的找到了工作 也很快的结束了那工作。第一次哭着回家,深为长女的我从未因为外面的委屈在爸妈前掉过眼泪,现在想起还是觉得很丢人!当中我理解到能做自己喜欢的工作真的不是一件易事。


去新岛游玩时,阿姨给了我好多零花钱。去送礼物时,好心的接待员让我们上去了。买了一幅超可爱的眼镜,那店里还播着 Birdy 的歌曲。和朋友们一直失败的自拍。那其实不那么好吃的 鸭皮萨,我们都把它啃完了。和他们喝酒闲聊 吹水。


临时约了队长到夜市买比基尼,结果最后还是网购了,还是盈替我拿的 有密友如你实在是太幸运了。和我的女人们 的Tioman 游,至今我还回味着那时的 Roti Telur & Roti Gula, 

参与了生活营--YES Camp. 因为毕业典礼的关系,我必须提前一晚离开。与我的孩子们离别时,队长站了起来给了我一小段证词。感动死我了!还记得他第一句形容我的话:She is beautiful. 每次想起都会傻笑然后心里暗爽一番 :p


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

OHANA means family, and Family means leave no one behind or forgotten

This gonna be a long post.........I wanna record every moment and feeling I had in the camp as its a precious experience I might never have second one. 

YES Camp is a Youth Essential Skills camp which organized by LIONS Clubs International District 308B1 (Malaysia) every year end. Its a signature project of Lions Club every year, and its my honour to join the committee team and witness everything this year! I'm proud of myself teeheeeee

Somehow, I'm truly regretful that I decided not to bring along my blackie to the camp as I was so fearful any injure that could happen to it. However, I'm still appreciate and grateful that I have these lovely fellows to take these pictures, at least I still manage to get into some pictures. Thanks god! 

Us facilitators already been assigned to each group and mine is group1. When those campers found me, I look at those naive faces, I was thinking "pheww, these kids are quite active, should be no problem for me to take care of them" Myself is a very outgoing person and I'm easily to get along with people, so I didn't worry much on any interaction issues with them. Until I found a lil girl in the group is having red eyes during the discussion of group name and group cheer, there's something wrong with this girl, that's my first thought. She's homesick, she does not have any close friends in the camp, she felt scared and lonely. poor lil girl  I talked to other members about her problems when she wasn't around and hoping they can help out each other in the team when anyone face difficulties. And THEY DID IT, the lil girl started to fit into the team and getting well with the team. I was like a touching mama who is seeing her kids growing up and well. 

I love that flag! 
Our team came out with a name which is OHANA. Because OHANA means family, and family leaves no one behind or forgotten. *another touching moment* We were inspired by the leader's wallpaper on his phone. Didn't know this cool guy actually like Lilo&Stitch, HAHAHAHAHA

I insist that our flag is the nicest one!

Previously, I was wondered why this camp cost so much higher than others do, and I knew it after all. There are a lot hefty activities have been arranged in the program. One of them which I can't forget is RAFTING.  Using ropes to tight up those bamboos and some empty pails, and make a raft. Sounds exciting right?! As a facilitator, I can't help them in the process, but I was invited to broad on the raft and the competition, again, i'm so lucky! Of course, we won the competition, credit to the whole team work and high spirited kids. I love you guys! 

Love to see these high spirited kids working closely with each other <3

O.H.A.N.A :)

During the Rock Climbing and Wall Abseiling session, my lovely kids are so helpful in dressing me into the safety wears. I felt like I was the kid at that moment. *another touching moment*

Not to forget Wall Abseiling, my hair was enmesh with the helmet and the "rope which hanging me" behind. I was stuck in the middle of the wall until the kind ranger came for me. That was so embarrassing! I still remember my team surround me immediately when I went down and comforted me "its okay, Its okay." So warm of them :3

Every facilitator are assigned with a topic which related to teenagers' life, and help them to find some values and keys so that they could apply into their life. To be frank, I have stage fright, I'm so uncomfortable to speak publicly and standing alone out there.I was so nervous before the presentation, but things go so smooth at the end. Thank you so much for being so passion in learning! 

Why I don't have enough time to take pictures with these lovely folks?! I HAVE MY CONVOCATION ON EARLY MORNING ON THE LAST DAY! Soooooo bad right?! I'm not sure whether its a good or bad thing to me. My group - OHANA's leader made me a testimony on behalf the team, I was super touched and nearly cry like hell. I managed to control the tears as cry in front of so many people is really not my style and I couldn't take it after the tears stop. I am so regret until today, I should stay with them until the last minute. 

Sorry Ivy, you are blurred  >.<

This lil girl, she is growing so well after all, I'm so proud of you! Mwahhh

The greaat leader got the BEST MALE CAMPER AWARD, I'm damn proud! 

I love these smiley faces, someone told me they've missed me a lot during the encouragement session. I'm so grateful that I was assigned to be with these lovely folks! 

Thank you for all the love notes <3

Its my honor and fortune to be part of the committee team. The contribution, time spent into traffic jam for every meetings, preparation of presentation, these are all worth it. When reading the happiness shared from the campers, us facilitators and committees are like happy papa and mama who are enjoy watching their kids' achievement. I'm so proud to be a Leo. I am Leo Amanda from Leo Club of Southern Cross. Roar! 

A girl performed this song during the camp, it always re cap me some moments of the camp while playing this. 

Turns out,

this is my favorite song recently!

Its post-camp syndrome!